Sourdough Baking: A Treatise

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Sometimes you've just got to curl up with a good cookbook and nerd out. If you're the type of person who not only wants to follow a recipe, but understand why it works, this is the book for you. Truly a book for bread geeks (we say that with love) this book takes an extremely deep dive into the science and techniques of sourdough baking. 

This is a the second book from Thomas Teffri-Chambelland, a French biologist turned baker. We also carry his first book (Panettone and Viennoiserie). We bring both books in directly from France. 

Always the scientist, Thomas takes an analytical approach to cooking, filling his books with tables and graphs and even firsthand research. But unlike his first book, which was aimed at professionals, this book is specifically designed for the home baker. It includes detailed sections on everything from starter maintenance, to shaping, and flour milling. 

Thomas devotes more than half the book to science and technique before moving onto 34 very detailed recipes for everything from panettone to kugelhoph. He also includes one of the more fascinating sections we've seen on gluten-free sourdough baking. 

Thomas is not your average cookbook author and this book is certainly not your average bread book. Great for home cooks and professionals alike. 

Published: 2021

Publisher: Bread Editions

Details: 330p. 

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